🧑💻 Wallet Home
Wallet Home allows users to interact with Face Wallet like the standalone wallet(ex. Metamask), to manage a wallet or send assets in the wallet.
This method allows an user to open the Wallet Home webview of the Face Wallet within your DApp. The user can view or copy their wallet address, check the assets of the wallet, and send or deposit assets in Wallet Home.
Wallet Home is configured to the blockchain network which the DApp has selected when initializing Face Wallet SDK.
// Initialize `face` first
// Open all blockchains wallet home
Task<FaceRpcResponse> responseTask = this.face.Wallet().OpenHome();
// Open specific blockchains wallet home
List<BlockchainNetwork> blockchainNetworks = new List<BlockchainNetwork>()
{ BlockchainNetwork.ETHEREUM, BlockchainNetwork.POLYGON };
Task<FaceRpcResponse> responseTask = this.face.Wallet().OpenHome(OpenHomeOption.Of(blockchainNetworks));
Updated over 1 year ago