✅ [BORA Network] Connect

When your Dapp is served in BORA network, you should add a step named "BORA Connect" after login. When an user uses Dapp with Face Wallet, it is necessary to "connect" only for the first time. "BORA Connect" sends a signed message to BORA for mapping BORA user to Dapp.
You can know whether an user needs "Connect" or not by using IsConnected
method. You can get walletAddressHash
, boraPortalUsn
from the response and use the values to call BoraPortal API.
public async void IsBoraConnected()
string bappUsn = "YOUR_BAPP_USN";
BoraPortalConnectStatusResponse statusResponse = await this.face.Bora().IsConnected(bappUsn);
if(statusResponse.status == BoraPortalConnectStatusEnum.Unconnected) {
// Do something if unconnected
Debug.Log($"BoraPortalUsn: {statusResponse.BoraPortalUsn}");
Debug.Log($"WalletAddressHash: {statusResponse.WalletAddressHash}");
After the user login to Face Wallet, you should call Connect
if it is the first time for the user to use the Dapp. Connect
makes the user to sign a message. The signed message would be sent to BORA.
public async void Connect()
string bappUsn = "YOUR_BAPP_USN";
BoraPortalConnectRequest request = new BoraPortalConnectRequest(
FaceRpcResponse rseponse = await this.face.Bora().Connect(request);
BoraPortalConnectStatusResponse statusResponse = response.CastResult<BoraPortalConnectStatusResponse>();
Debug.Log($"BoraPortalUsn: {statusResponse.BoraPortalUsn}");
Debug.Log($"WalletAddressHash: {statusResponse.WalletAddressHash}");
How to make Signature using API Secret
You can make a Signature using Face Wallet SDK API Secret.
- Convert your API Secret to PEM format.
- Create an instance of
using the PEM key generated in step 1. - To sign data, we need to create a message by concatenating the values of
and converting it to a byte array. You can obtain thewalletAddress
value from the Face Wallet login response. - Finally, sign the message using the
method with the "SHA256" algorithm, and encode the resulting signature in Base64 format.
using System.IO;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Parameters;
using Org.BouncyCastle.OpenSsl;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Security;
// Define Class, and put below static methods in that.
public static string CreateSignatureForBoraConnect(string apiSecret, string bappUsn, string walletAddress) {
string pem = KeyToPem(apiSecret);
RSACryptoServiceProvider rsaPrivateKey = ImportPrivateKey(pem);
string signatureMessage = $"{bappUsn}:{walletAddress}";
byte[] bytesPlainTextData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(signatureMessage);
byte[] signedData = rsaPrivateKey.SignData(bytesPlainTextData, "SHA256");
return Convert.ToBase64String(signedData);
catch (Exception e)
return null;
private static string KeyToPem(string key)
key = key.Replace('-', '+').Replace('_', '/')
key = Regex.Replace(key, @"(\S{64}(?!$))", "$1\n");
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendLine($"-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----");
foreach (var line in key.Split("\n"))
sb.AppendLine($"-----END PRIVATE KEY-----");
return sb.ToString();
private static RSACryptoServiceProvider ImportPrivateKey(string pem) {
PemReader pr = new PemReader(new StringReader(pem));
RsaPrivateCrtKeyParameters key = (RsaPrivateCrtKeyParameters)pr.ReadObject();
RSAParameters rsaParams = DotNetUtilities.ToRSAParameters(key);
RSACryptoServiceProvider rsaPrivateKey = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();
return rsaPrivateKey;
How can I get my API Secret?
Please contact and request API Secret to Face Wallet Team.
API Secret should be careful not to leak outside. Also, a signature should be created in your backend, not frontend.
If a user without the BORA Connect attempts to perform a BORA-related function, a 4xx error occurs.
Updated over 1 year ago