✅ BORA Connect

When your Dapp is served in BORA network, you should add a step named "BORA Connect" after login. When an user uses Dapp with Face Wallet, it is necessary to "connect" only for the first time. "BORA Connect" sends a signed message to BORA for mapping BORA user to Dapp.
You can know whether an user needs "Connect" or not by using isConnected
method. You can get walletAddressHash
, boraPortalUsn
from the response and use the values to call BoraPortal API.
import { Face } from '@haechi-labs/face-sdk';
import {
} from '@haechi-labs/face-types';
const face = new Face({
network: Network.BORA,
const loginResponse = await face.auth.login();
const isConnectResponse = await face.bora.isConnected('YOUR_BAPP_USN');
if(isConnectResponse.status === BoraPortalConnectStatusEnum.Unconnected) {
await face.bora.connect({
bappUsn: 'YOUR_BAPP_USN',
console.log(isConnectResponse.boraPortalUsn, isConnectResponse.walletAddressHash)
If you call connect
with a wallet that is already connected to another bappUsn
, the SDK will throw an error with code 4909
. You can catch the error by using the isConnected
import { Face } from '@haechi-labs/face-sdk';
import {
} from '@haechi-labs/face-types';
const face = new Face({
network: Network.BORA,
const loginResponse = await face.auth.login();
try {
const isConnectResponse = await face.bora.isConnected('wrong bapp usn');
} catch (err) {
if (err.code === 4909) {
console.log('the wallet is connected to other bapp usn');
After the user login to Face Wallet, you should call connect
if it is the first time for the user to use the Dapp. connect
makes the user to sign a message. The signed message would be sent to BORA.
import { Face } from '@haechi-labs/face-sdk';
import {
} from '@haechi-labs/face-types';
const face = new Face({
network: Network.BORA,
const loginResponse = await face.auth.login();
const isConnectedResponse = await face.bora.isConnected('YOUR_BAPP_USN');
if(isConnectedResponse.status === BoraPortalConnectStatusEnum.Unconnected) {
await face.bora.connect({
bappUsn: 'YOUR_BAPP_USN',
How to make Signature using API Secret
You can make a Signature using Face Wallet SDK API Secret.
First, convert your API Secret to PEM format. Then, using node-forge
library, derive Key
object from API Secret converted to PEM format. Finally, Sign a message which is concatenated with bappUsn
and walletAddress
using Key
object and encode it to Base64 format. For walletAddress
, You can get it from the Face Wallet login response.
import forge from 'node-forge';
function createPemFromApiSecret(apiSecret: string): string {
return `-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n${apiSecret
.replace(/-/g, '+')
.replace(/_/g, '/')
.replace(/(\S{64}(?!$))/g, '$1\n')}\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n`;
function createSignatureForBoraConnect(bappUsn: string, walletAddress: string) {
const signatureMessage = `${bappUsn}:${walletAddress}`;
const messageDigest = forge.md.sha256.create();
messageDigest.update(signatureMessage, 'utf8');
const privateKey = forge.pki.privateKeyFromPem(createPemFromApiSecret(apiSecret));
return Buffer.from(forge.util.binary.raw.decode(privateKey.sign(messageDigest))).toString(
How can I get my API Secret?
Please contact and request API Secret to Face Wallet Team.
API Secret should be careful not to leak outside. Also, a signature should be created in your backend, not frontend.
If a user without the BORA Connect attempts to perform a BORA-related function, a 4xx error occurs.
Updated over 1 year ago