[November 14, 2022] Unity SDK, Direct Social Login

[Face Wallet SDK for Web] Latest Version: v1.4
[Face Wallet SDK for Unity] Latest Version: v1.0

Greetings from Face Wallet team!

On November 14, 2022, we are informing you about the newly added features and improvements to Face Wallet.

Unity SDK


Face Wallet provides a SDK for Unity!

If you want to integrate Face Wallet to your mobile app based on Unity, use Face Wallet SDK for Unity. It supports iOS and Android. In your app, Face Wallet modal would be opened using WebView.

For more details, please see Unity SDK Guide docs and GitHub. We also provides example code for Unity in GitHub repository.

Direct Social Login


For more user-friendly and easier experience, Face Wallet support a way to connect wallet called "Direct Social Login".

Just make the buttons using social login methods like web2. It seems to be able to use your dApp only using social login without knowing that they need a wallet. When users click the button like "Continue with Social Login(ex. Google, Apple, etc.)", Face Wallet modal is opened and they can make a wallet directly using the social login they chose.

For more details, please see here.